Ayahuasca /
Santo Daime - Scientific Research
here are some links to the scientific approach on the Ayahuasca
use. As a special scientific topic,
ayahuasca would not have been studied had it not been for
the daring adventures of botanists and anthropologists. Yet,
the real puzzles this brew presents pertain neither to botany
nor to culture but rather to the human mind and spirituality.
As such, the study of ayahuasca in the realms of psychology
is just starting. Here goes some links that might help the
scientific seeker:
Ayahuasca Journal Articles and Abstracts
fine and updated collection of Ayahuasca scientific
links on the Internet, provided by the site "Vaults
of Erowid".
functions of ayahuasca healing in Amazonia
Journal of Psychoactive
Drugs Vol 21 (No. 1) Jan-Mar 1989; 77-89
by Walter Andritzky
on the healing functions of rituals involving the
brew ayahuasca (AY) among traditional native peoples
of Amazonia and attempts to explain their effectiveness
within the approach of Western clinical science.
cognitive-psychological study of ayahuasca
Benny Shanon, Ph.D.
Department of Psychology Hebrew University
"When I returned to my own
world after my initial trip and experiences at Colônia
Cinco Mil, I immersed myself in reading whatever I
could about ayahuasca. To my amazement, I discovered
the images I had seen in my visions were of types
similar to those reported by indigenous persons. As
a cognitive psychologist, I was puzzled. How could
I, a person with a totally different personal background,
saw what the Indians see? I realized that w hat may
be presenting itself here is a manifestation of the
universals of the human mind."
: Ayahuasca Issue, Autumn 1998
From the Bulletin
of the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic
Studies MAPS - Volume 8 Number 3 Autumn 1998.
This issue is focused on ayahuasca. It also includes
an interview with Albert Hofmann
Ayahuasca Conference: taking psychedelics seriously
science, and spirituality collide at international
ayahuasca conference.
By Diana Trimble
San Francisco Bay Guardian - SFBG.com

and Cancer - One Man's Experience
Donald M. Topping,
Ph.D. Professor Emeritus, University of Hawai'i President,
Drug Policy Forum of Hawai'i
After being diagnosed with cancer of
the liver, the author was advised by oncologists that
his chances of survival were slim. He went to ayahuasca
for a second opinion.
: Ayahuasca Pharmacokinetics Study , Summer 1995
Charles S. Grob,
MD, Department of Psychiatry, Harbor-UCLA Medical
Center Dennis J. McKenna, Ph.D., Research Director,
Botanical Dimensions
This link presents the Hoasca Project,
a multidisciplinary effort to investigate the human
pharmacology of Hoasca, a botanically-derived psychedelic
beverage which is utilized as a sacrament in ritual
practices of the Uniao do Vegetal (UDV), a Brazilian
syncretic religious movement.