Church of the Eclectic Cult of the Fluent Universal Light - Patron Sebastião
Mota of Melo participated in the second round of meetings seeking to ingress in
the Alliance among several religious entities that use natural sacraments (entheogens)
in Latin America. The encounters were held from April 5 to 15 in Morélia,
Mexico, with Marina Villalobos, director of the Inter-American Center for Indigenous
Spirituality (CISEI) and Aurélio Diaz Tekpankalli, president of the Native
American Church of Itzachilatlan.
union strategies were delineated in benefit of the expansion of native medicines
of America (Santo Daime, Peyote, Saint Peter and Ayahuasca) and in the whole world,
based in the universal right of cult and transport of medicines and sacraments.
The meetings, amid a calendar of ceremonies that lasted 10 days and gathered representatives
from several countries (Mexico, Brazil, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Argentina, Spain,
USA, France and England) had the participation of the Secretary of Santo Daime's
Church, Enio José Staub.
event happened in Teokali, a stone temple in the mountain, 60 kilometres from
the city of Morélia, in Mexico. The temple has an underground Kiva where
they keep the medicines and perform the ceremonies.
Alfredo, Aurélio Diaz and several leaders from the three Americas will
sign the Alliance Document in Céu do Mapiá in February 2003.
the occasion, ceremonies with the traditional medicines will be held and the Church
of the Eclectic Cult will give the final direction of support in the Dossier for
Freedom of Cult. This document will be taken to the United Nations' Commissions
for Religious and Indigenous Issues annual meeting in Geneva in March 2003.