
Céu do Mapiá Community The community of Céu do Mapiá is located in the
jungle river stream of Mapiá, tributary of the Purus river at the National
Forest of Purus, in the tropical region of the Brazilian western Amazon. This area is
situated more specifically in the south of the State of Amazonas, near State of Acre, land
of Chico Mendes. The community has a legal association of dwellers
"AMVCM"- which controls and manages both National Forests National Forest
of Purus and the National Forest of Mapiá Inauiní, contiguous and only separated
by the banks of the river Inauní. The nearest urban area is the river port of Boca do
Acre, located at the whole mouth of the Acre river, with the Purus river, both navigable
during the whole year. Boca do Acre is endowed with telecommunications, hotels, airport
and it is linked to Rio Branco, capital of Acre, by a road of 200 Kms.
The National Forest above was
legitimized by Presidential Decree, as an area of social and economic interest. The
Brazilian Government guarantees to the extractive communities of these forest,
authorization to celebrate agreements seeking the conservation and protection of both
National Forests. |
After years of
human settlement (since 1983), the inhabitants of "Céu do Mapiá" achieved,
with much effort, a much higher social and economic standard than its neighbors. The
community manages its own means for survival and presents a practical pattern of
self-sustainment. Céu do Mapiá can even be very useful as an example for other tropical
communities struggling for the conservation of the flora and fauna in the Amazon and also
attends people in need from neighboring communities who go to the Céu do Mapiá in search
of help and assistance.
In order to improve and continue
its efforts towards conservation, the community of "Céu do Mapiá" is searching
for financial partners who are willing to collaborate in other economic
and social projects available for these National Forest. |